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Showing posts with the label storing

Overhead Garage Storage

 Even with everything stuffed in storage totes, you still might run completely out of storage space no matter how hard you try to condense every little object in your home. Although it seems like a disaster, don't worry as many people forget about all of the extra space they have around their property that they've never thought about turning into storage space. One place many people never really think about is the space under the roof of their garage. This space can be very valuable in creating storage around your property. If you have basic carpentry skills you can easily construct a makeshift platform out of plywood and some other boards that you can then attach to the top boards of your garage. Once it is securely connected, this new space can add some much-needed storage to your property.  If you take some plastic storage totes and place them up on the plywood after you fill them with your belongings that needed to be stored elsewhere, you can create quite the storage sp

Opening up the Sports Totes

 As summer turns to fall many kids and adults alike will be switching from their summer sports, such as golf or baseball, to their fall activities, like football, cheerleading and soccer. That can only mean one thing for parents...  A mess in your home as all the summer equipment gets swapped for the fall equipment and if you have lots of kids or your children play lots of sports it may take you MONTHS to truly be reorganized, which could be just in time for another switch in seasons. This season switch-up doesn't have to be that hard though. Using plastic totes to organize all of the sports equipment throughout your home can save space, making transitioning between season easier and save you the hassle of finding the perfect spot for everything at the end of each season.  Our advice is to create a system with the totes in your home. First, you need to find a specific location that your totes will stay in the off-season so that they have designated space and you will know exactly

Quarantine Storage Ideas

Have you noticed that your home has become messier during this quarantine? Your kids are home from school. You are working from home. While you find yourself spending more and more time at home, you don’t have the time to clean and organize things like you wish you did. Between work, playing teacher, and struggling with anxiety, you do not have much time left over to organize. We have a great solution that takes hardly any time at all! Storage totes are a quick and easy way to keep your possessions in so that your home stays tidy. Keep your home tidy during quarantine with plastic storage totes! Storing shoes in storage totes is a great way to keep them all in once place. You know how sometimes you might have a couple of pairs by the front door, one under the bed, and the rest in the closet? Yeah, that is not the best plan. You do not want to be running late for events because you cannot find the right pair of shoes. While your kids are studying at home, storing school suppl