As summer turns to fall many kids and adults alike will be switching from their summer sports, such as golf or baseball, to their fall activities, like football, cheerleading and soccer. That can only mean one thing for parents... A mess in your home as all the summer equipment gets swapped for the fall equipment and if you have lots of kids or your children play lots of sports it may take you MONTHS to truly be reorganized, which could be just in time for another switch in seasons.
This season switch-up doesn't have to be that hard though. Using plastic totes to organize all of the sports equipment throughout your home can save space, making transitioning between season easier and save you the hassle of finding the perfect spot for everything at the end of each season.
Our advice is to create a system with the totes in your home. First, you need to find a specific location that your totes will stay in the off-season so that they have designated space and you will know exactly where they are when you need to pack up. Second, all of your totes should be labeled by whatever sports equipments they contain. You can separate these by sport season or if you have children that participate in a lot of sports or activities each child can have their own tote, ensuring that you know exactly where everyone's gear is. If you want to stay super organized, you could even color code totes based on what sport they hold equipment for, but that is mainly dependent on how much equipment you have and also the space in your house you have for storage totes.
Use these tips to stay prepared for the sports seasons that lay ahead of you this year and in the future. To order plastic storage totes for your home, see what Edge Plastics has to offer here!
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