Even with everything stuffed in storage totes, you still might run completely out of storage space no matter how hard you try to condense every little object in your home. Although it seems like a disaster, don't worry as many people forget about all of the extra space they have around their property that they've never thought about turning into storage space.
One place many people never really think about is the space under the roof of their garage. This space can be very valuable in creating storage around your property. If you have basic carpentry skills you can easily construct a makeshift platform out of plywood and some other boards that you can then attach to the top boards of your garage. Once it is securely connected, this new space can add some much-needed storage to your property.
If you take some plastic storage totes and place them up on the plywood after you fill them with your belongings that needed to be stored elsewhere, you can create quite the storage space. We would recommend that the items you put on this platform are things that are scarcely used so that you don't have to be lifting and moving things from the platform very much, just maybe once or twice a year.
Make sure to check out more of our blogs for more storage solutions that can help you save space around your home. To order storage totes for your home or business, check out Edge Plastics' products at our website here.
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