From the moment a baby is born (and many time even before!), we start collecting momentos of their lives. Ultrasound pictures, that first lock of hair from a haircut, the blanket they were swaddled in when they first arrived; all of these evoke strong memories and are pleasant to view. A little cedar chest and a baby book is wonderful way to safely store these. When school starts, suddenly, the amount of momentos increases. There are adorable pictures scrawled by tiny hands, those adorable hand print turkeys that everyone makes around Thanksgiving, and you cannot forget about those "letters to mom." But these are mostly paper and other crafting materials. Speaking from experience, the sheer volume of artwork from the first 3 years of school is phenomenal and overwhelming. But that being said, the sentimentalist wants to keep some things, and it's good to do that, but not EVERYTHING. How can you do that while still showing your child that you care about the work they do? H...